32-4 Pregnancy and Pediatrics


For this volume of D.C. Tracts, our contributors outline the evidence-informed chiropractic management of pediatric patients. In recent years, factions from within and outside the chiropractic profession have much debated the appropriate management of pediatric patients. However, according to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE), approximately 40% of chiropractors deliver pediatric care. Scientific literature investigating the effects of chiropractic care for pediatric patients include conditions such as colic, otitis media, autism, ADHD and suboptimal breastfeeding. Yet, the systematic research supporting the efficacy of chiropractic care for treating these pediatric conditions is limited, thereby leaving clinicians with equivocal scientific evidence.



In This Issue:

  • FEATURE ARTICLE: The Use of Spinal Manipulative Therapy in Pediatrics: Clinical Effectiveness and Modifications to Care
    Brian J. Gleberzon, DC, MHSc
    • Evidence-Based Approach to Chiropractic Care for the Pregnant and Postpartum Populations
      Crystal Draper, BAS, DC and Carol-Ann Weis, MSc, DC
    • Chiropractic Management of Colic
      Stephanie O’Neill Bhogul, DC
  • JURIS-PROOFING: Chiropractic Care of the Pregnant Patient
    Brian J. Gleberzon, DC, MHSc
    Yasmeen A. Khan, DC, MS, MA and Lisa Z. Killinger, DC

    • Manual Therapy for the Pediatric Population: A Systematic Review
    • Spinal Manual Therapy in Infants, Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Treatment Indication, Technique and Outcomes
    • The Safety of Spinal Manipulative Therapy in Children under 10 Years: A Rapid Review